
History Essay

This short essay follows the birth, progress and developments that have transformed, altered and shaped Rock 'n' Roll music through five decades. I originally compiled the essay in 1997 followed by a few minor updates and corrections since then. You may notice that as the time period under discussion advances toward the end, the writing style changes from one of documentation to one that's more observational and opinionated.


Fifties: The birth of Rock 'n' Roll. The early stars. Racial and generational tensions. The reaction of the corporate music establishment.


Sixties: The British Invasion. Psychedelic culture and stereo sound take Rock' n' Roll to the next level.


Seventies: Hyphenated rock. The "disco" threat and the resulting New Wave culture. Rock' n' Roll comes of age.


Eighties onward: CD's, video and mammoth concert tours. Rock as big business. A younger generation moves in.



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